Fly Bites on Dogs

Noticed any bite that leaves red swells on your dog’s ears, inside the ears or stomach zones lately. Bite marks on your pet which leaves you puzzled as to why, where, when and how your pet dog got them.

This article seeks to explain whether fly bites are an issue that will cause any form of danger, and what are the available solutions to treat fly bites and prevent fly bites in future. Below is a picture as to how the skin looks like after a fly bite.

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Pets are generally curious in nature and as such, they tend to explore around. Dogs and cats are especially territorial, and they tend to pee near trees, dig the soil or roll around in the grass areas. Undoubtedly, the grass area are homes for various insects; harmless or harmful ones that create allergies to your pet where a visit to the vet becomes crucial.

Identify Insect Bite on Dog and Symptoms

In general, YES! There are many symptoms such as swelling on the face, near the mouth, the eyelids, beneath the flap of the ear.

More severe symptoms include weak or over excessive heartbeat, itch that leaves the dog bloody due to over scratching, licking of fur coat continuously, an action of twisting and rubbing its head on the ground or even a terrible stench smell that lingers on the dog and plenty more.

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Bleeding blind spot areas such as behind the ears, are those that dogs are unable to defend, these damaged tissues called wounds would then attracts more flies. Fly bites are one issue but the situation tends to get more torturous for the dog as the flies tend to lay its eggs within the wounds which in turn hatches to maggots.

Dogs tend to withstand pain over a prolonged period and as a result, numerous attacks by the flies may have already taken place on the dog. Thus, by the time the owner realizes, the dog is already suffering from dermatitis. Now, what is dermatitis. Dermatitis is basically an inflammation of the skin where upon leaving it untreated can become a severe bacterial infection. The dog suffers intense itch. The symptom becomes more within the next 12 – 24 hours calling for a need to keep a close monitor from the pet owners for this symptom creates pain which lasts hours before subsiding.

An online newsletter by Petassure, advices us the necessity to know the type of insect and possible reactions of its bite on our pet. Hence, it looks at ground based common insects such as ants, spiders, ticks or even fleas and air-based ones like hornets, mosquitoes, bees, etc.

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Black fly (above picture) bite, though the disease cannot be transmitted, are known for the “Black fly Fever” symptom which causes, head pains, body aches, nausea and even vomiting in dogs.

Bites from red ants, hornet and honey bees may show up on our pet’s skin within minutes creating a heated red swell as clear symptom.

Fleas are easier to detect as the pet’s fur coat may drop because of repetitive scratches and bite. Symptoms can be a result of Hives (Urticaria) which are red bumps developed on the skin, it can feel itchy, or even like a burn / sting.

Unlike fleas, ticks can be spotted to have fallen off the pet once they have taken in blood to the maximum. A fact on the ticks, when they eventually fall off, they die. However, ticks are known to have caused various diseases such as vomiting, diarrhea, and even the pet becomes lethargic.

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Common area for insect bites

Flies tend to target their bites in areas that are less hairy attacking the blood vein and also areas such as the (1) belly, (2) leg and face, (3) nose and mouth or (4) head..

Insect such as fleas and ticks tend to house within the fur coat of the pet. The dog would tend to bite and scratch causing self-inflicting pain which results in loss of fur and bleeding by the pet as with the bite by the fly, the skin of the pet would have punctured, creating ulcers. Sadly, if unattended, this would attract more flies.

>> Interesting read: What Do Flies Eat?

Home Treatment

Never ever underestimate the bite of a fly, the pain can be excruciating for smaller dogs such as poodles or Jack Russel.

Indeed, there are home remedies or in worst case scenarios, the pet owners must head down to see a veterinarian.

To ease irritation, a tiny amount of calamine lotion can be placed on irritated skin as paste. Another way is to quickly wipe the affected area with the mixture of water and mild antiseptic solution, before applying ointment to control infection from spreading. Repeat several times a day to ease irritation and heal the bites, ensuring no pus develops. Keep the area dry by dapping.

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Medicated shampoos found in pet shops which contains natural ingredients can also be used to assist with sores on the skin. Likewise dissolving Epsom salt in water and bath the dog in can help calm the irritated skin (do note to avoid the eye area).

Other common biting insects include mosquitoes and bees. For bee stings, a simple home remedy is to apply aloe on the affected spot. This will help reduce any burn or pain from the sting.

For bumps, a home treatment is to mix water with some baking soda to form a paste and apply onto the spot several times within the day. If the problem persists, bring to a vet immediately.
[May: The video is not well taken, but the sharing is legit.]

Causes for Fly bites on Pets

Flies are parasites that survives on warm-bodied creatures. They sustain by living on another being. Parasites are well known for transferring germs as they move sometimes from one being to another. Mosquitoes for example, sucks blood from a dog and next moment the owner. If the dog was sick, the mosquito transfers that to the owner who in turn becomes unwell. Many a time, the problem of dogs getting sick begins from their kennel. It is due to unclean kennels which attracts flies and thus leading to flies attack on the pet, especially when the dog already has an open wound, where parasitic infestation takes place.

Generally, flies are found in areas filled with still water or even feces. Another most observed is near a carcass.  

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Prevention of fly bites?

With the ‘CRAZY’ high price tag on vets these days, prevention is better than cure. According to the website”” the first way to prevent fly bites is to build up your dog’s immunity and this can be achieved with a well-balanced diet.

According to Dr Foster & Smith, pet education; It is also crucial for your pet to be groomed and bath timely. Pets should always be given their daily bath and more so when they have gone out of the home. Having a clean fur coat is a good prevention from flies for where there is built up of dirt, flies will come and in various forms and sizes.

There are ways to prevent flies from biting dogs and as such are (1) Dog repellents such as home therapy apple cider vinegar or repellants from pet stores (2) Dog collars which can repel fleas (3) coating dog ear area with vaseline, or antiseptic cream to prevent flies from finding the blood supply in the ears.

>> Also read: How To Get Rid Of Flies Outdoors

Is your pet experiencing fly bites? How did you come to know about it and what did you do to help heal the bite? What do you intend to do to prevent you dog from being bitten in future? Drop a comment to share with all readers.